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10th Senate: APC To Effect Religion Balancing In Zoning



Nigerian Senate
Senate in Session


Ahead of inauguration of the 10th Senate in June, Senator Sani Musa ( APC Niger East ) , declared Tuesday that the National Executive of the All Progressives Congress ( APC) , will address the issue of religion balancing in the zoning formula to be used for election of presiding officers.

Sani Musa who made the declaration while fielding questions from journalists covering the Senate , said the Muslim – Muslim ticket used by the party to win the Presidential election , must be balanced at the configuration of leadership of the 10th National Assembly for unity of the country .

He said : ‘ This is a real ambush. Why don’t you wait till when I will make my declaration, but since you decide to ask me, I will say, there is no office deserves to be zoned to the North Central than the Office of the Senate President, but as a party loyalist, and.having an interaction with the party leadership before the governoship and House of Assembly elections at the presidential Villa, the National Chairman of APC, Senator Abdullahi Adamu requested that we all keep our intentions until when the party decide to release the zoning formula.

‘Be that as it may, and as we can all see that the Muslim-Muslim ticket, which am sure will be addressed, we will queue in and decide to make our declaration.

“I would not want to pre-empt the party, I will wait for the decision of the party. Whatever is the interest of the North Central as one of the geopolitical zones that gave the President-elect Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the highest votes. If you look at the difference we gave to APC and the votes we gave to PDP, we have the largest.

“I do know there will be nothing less than the Deputy Senate President because that is what will be fair to us”.

He however said his ambition is to run for Senate Presidency and use the office to collaborate with the executive in turning things around for good in the country .

‘ Every human being has ambition. I intend to come in order to save our Constitution and democracy in this country. You are all witnesses to what is going on in this country. Imbalances in this country.

” Our forefathers since independence did it in such a way that the future generations will come together and live as one. So there is no need for me not to vie for this position and when I come in an going to strengthen the administration.

“There is a high rate of inflation with 2 digits, unemployment, insecurity is there, the value of naira has gone so down. You can imagine what is happening with our naira.

” It shouldn’t happen in a country like Nigeria. We are supposed to be the most advanced economy in Nigeria, but alas! , we are where we are today for reasons best known to us all .

” The institution that will serve as antidote to strong policies that will unite this country for prosperity is the National Assembly and the National Assembly needs presiding servants, those that will feel the feelings of Nigerians from the streets.

” But as earlier said , if for the sake of religion balancing and unity of the country , Senate Presidency is not zoned to North Central , Deputy President of the Senate , should be given ”


FG Announces Nationwide CNG Mass Transit Conversion Program, Gives 50% Discount




The Presidential Compress Natural Gas Initiative (PCNGI), in collaboration with Rolling Energy, has announced the commencement of the nationwide Mass Transit Conversion Program.

The announcement was made at the PCNGI launch of the conversion and refueling site in Ilorin on Wednesday.

A statement by the PCNGI, said the initiative aims to convert mass transit vehicles to cleaner energy sources, significantly reducing emissions and promoting environmental sustainability.

The PCNGI is the program of President Bola Tinubu’s administration, dedicated to promoting clean energy solutions across Nigeria. Through strategic partnerships and innovative projects, PCNGI aims to reduce environmental impact and support the transition to sustainable energy for the transport sector.

The initial phase of the conversion program will be initiated in Lagos, Kwara, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), and Rivers States. This phase will be executed in partnership with major transport unions, including the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), the Road Transport Employers’ Association of Nigeria (RTEAN), and the Nigerian Association of Road Transport Owners (NARTO).

To ensure the success of the program, PCNGI said the rollout will commence in eight of over 120 designated conversion workshop sites, after which the key union partners, will have the opportunity to observe, evaluate the conversion process, and provide valuable feedback as the initiative plans to scale up operations across 15 states over the next 45 days.

The rollout, it said, will be backed by a 50 per cent discount on equipment and kit costs, and support to qualified union members for installation cost.

It said, “PCNGI and Rolling Energy are committed to driving Nigeria towards a more sustainable future. Establishing the Ilorin site and the nationwide conversion program are pivotal steps in reducing our carbon footprint and enhancing the efficiency of mass transit systems”.

Interested public members are to visit Femadec, FixIt45, and Portland in Lagos, NITT, Nipco in Abuja, Total Support and Femadec in Abuja, and Rolling Energy in Ilorin for conversion.

The development comes after the Presidency said it would launch 2,700 CNG-powered buses and tricycles before May 29 when President Tinubu turns one year in office.

It said FG would deliver 100 conversion workshops and 60 refueling sites spread across 18 states before the end of 2024.


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Tinubu Flags-off Abuja Light Rail



Tinubu Flags-off Abuja Light Rail
Tinubu Flags-off Abuja Light Rail

*** Hail Wike’s Commitment to Renewed Hope Agenda

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has officially flagged off the commercial operations of the Abuja Rail Mass Transit system, also known as the Abuja Light Rail as part of the Administration’s first anniversary.

According to the statement by the Director of Press (Office of the Minister), Anthony Ogunleye, President Tinubu, during the inauguration exercise, emphasized the significance of the achievement, saying that it was a major step towards progress in the country, particularly in the Federal Capital Territory.

He expressed joy at the successful rehabilitation and launch of the commercial operation of Abuja light rail, aimed at establishing a fully functional and efficient public rail transportation infrastructure for the benefit of the people, saying that it signifies his administration’s commitment to fulfilling its pledges.

President Tinubu also described the Abuja light rail as a symbol of progress, connectivity, and inclusivity, emphasizing that it represents his administration’s commitment to modernizing public transportation infrastructure, easing traffic congestion, and improving accessibility for all FCT residents and visitors.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu made his way into the train carriage following his flag off of commercial operations of the Abuja Light Rail on Wednesday.
The President recalled that he had earlier expressed the desire to ride on the metro line and thanked the FCT Minister, Barrister Nyesom Wike, and his team for ensuring the timely completion of the project.

President Bola Ahmed Tinubu read ing his speech during the flag-off of the commencement of commercial operations of the Abuja Light Rail on Wednesday.

President Tinubu who thereafter announced that there will be no charge for riding the Abuja light rail until the end of the year, also acknowledged the track record of the FCT Minister as well as the accomplishments of the FCT Administration, saying it is a demonstration of serious commitment to value. He said the FCT Minister is truly serving the nation, in line with the ideas of the Renewed Hope Agenda and the new national anthem.

The President said, “The commencement of this project is a dream come true for all of us. I am not surprised, given the track record of the Minister. The FCT Administration’s accomplishments demonstrate a serious commitment to value, the chapter that we ought to embrace in this country. Mr. Project, I say thank you very much to you and your team.

“In keeping with the Renewed Hope Agenda ideals, you have demonstrated unusual capacity with your team. Thank you very much once again. The huge investment that you put into this project is there for the people to remember.

“I heard you declared free ride for two months, while, I am declaring free ride till the end of the year”.

During his speech, the FCT Minister recalled that President Tinubu had instructed the Administration to prioritize making the Abuja light rail operational for the benefit of the residents.

He noted that the contract for rehabilitating the Abuja light rail was awarded in 2018 at a cost of $30 million, which remained unpaid when he assumed office. The Minister also disclosed that the 10 train stations lacked access roads and car parks, which hindered the effective operation of the Abuja light rail project.

Barr. Wike however expressed joy that the FCT Administration, along with the support of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), the Ministry of Finance, and the Accountant General of the Federation, successfully facilitated the payment of the contract sum to the contractor which ensured the completion of the rehabilitation exercise.

He added that the access roads to the various train stations and car parks were also constructed at the cost N21.4 billion and that the directive of the President to make the train operational for residents was actualized within a period of nine months.

He said, “As I speak to you today, all those roads to the various train stations are completed with car parks for people to use to the various train stations.

The Minister also disclosed that the FCT Administration was able to renegotiate the training cost for personnel from $128 million to $75 million, thereby saving about $50 million for the Federal Government.

While making clarification on what was being inaugurated, the Minister stressed that it was the commercial operation of the Abuja light rail and not the train stations and that the rehabilitation of the Abuja light rail was a promise made and fulfilled in the FCT, adding that the FCT Administration has rekindled the hope of the people with its accomplishments.

He said, “For me, today is the happiest day. We are talking about the Renewed Hope Agenda. What is the Renewed hope agenda? Giving back hope to the people. That’s what it is. So, it is a reality. What you are seeing today is a reality. People will now be happy that I can come to the city and go back. Those who want to watch a football match will take the train to the next train station, walk down to Moshood Abiola Stadium, see the match, go back to the train station, and go back to their house”.

In his remarks, the Mandate Secretary, FCTA Transportation Secretariat, Chinedum Elechi, said the Abuja Rail Mass Transit System has 12 diesel multiple units each with a capacity to accommodate a minimum of 700 passengers. He said each train is designed to run at least 14 trips per day, meaning that one train can transport approximately 9,800 passengers daily.

And in her remarks, the Minister of State, FCT, Dr Mariya Mahmoud thanked President Tinubu and Vice President, Kashim Shetima as well as other members of Federal Executive Council and the National Assembly for their invaluable support to the FCT Administration.

The Minister also thanked the entire team involved in the planning, design and construction and now operation of the Abuja light rail, saying the commencement of commercial operation of the rail service has showcased the power of collaboration and determination in bringing about positive change.

The President along with distinguished guest that included the Vice President, Senator Kashim Shettima, Senate President and Speaker of the House of Representatives the CJN and the SGF amongst other guests took a train ride to the Airport station where the President unveiled a plaque signifying the commencement of commercial operations of the Abuja Light Rail.


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Tinubu Inaugurates NASS Library, Calls For Collective Drive For Unity



President Bola Tinubu commissioned NASS Lib
President Tinubu and the Leadership of the 10th Senate during the Inauguration of NASS Library

President Bola Tinubu, on Wednesday in Abuja, inaugurated the National Assembly Library and Resource Centre, which is named in his honour.

Before the inauguration of the library, the President had briefly attended a commemorative sitting of the National Assembly, where he made extemporaneous remarks.

President Tinubu, who had signed the National Anthem Bill, 2024, into law at the Presidential Villa earlier on Wednesday, said he was at the National Assembly as a mark of respect, and to congratulate the legislators and Nigerians on the 25th anniversary of Nigeria’s unbroken democracy.

He extended his gratitude to the lawmakers and acknowledged the efforts and sacrifices made to build and sustain the country’s democratic institutions.

“Our friends, old and new, to every Nigerian I say congratulations on 25 years of unbroken democracy. Out of respect, I have come to say thank you very much for building up this institution to this level. You are the foremost leaders who speak for our people and have been at the forefront of this struggle,” President Tinubu said.

Highlighting the significance of the National Assembly, President Tinubu referred to it as a “hallowed chamber” that embodies the nation’s consciousness for freedom and solidarity.

“You sang out the latest national anthem, ‘Nigeria we hail thee’. This is our diversity, representing all people and how we pledge together to be brothers and sisters.

“Without this House, I probably would not have found a path to the presidency, I started it all from here. That is why I have given that respect to you this morning to continue to collaborate with you to build our country together. We have no other choice. No other institution or personality will help us, except we do it ourselves for ourselves.

“No amount of aid from foreign countries can help us. Let us work together to build our nation, charting a new path,” the President stated.

President Tinubu also emphasized the need to preserve and strengthen democracy for future generations.

“We must nurture our democracy so that our children and great grandchildren will be assured of prosperity, progress, and development,” the President concluded.

In his remarks, Senate President Godswill Akpabio said the President’s visit was out of respect for the National Assembly.

”Before you arrived, Mr. President, the Speaker and I had explained to the lawmakers that this visit is what is called ‘waka pass’ in Nollywood.

”You intend to celebrate Democracy Day on June 12, but out of honour and respect for the National Assembly you said you must pass through the National Assembly on your first anniversary,” the Senate President said.

On Nigeria reverting to the old national anthem, Akpabio commended the President for taking the nation back to its roots stating: ‘‘Though we may belong to different tribes, though we have different tongues, in brotherhood we stand.’’

”There is no more fitting place to take us back to our genealogy other than the National Assembly, which is made up of patriotic and elected citizens of Nigeria. The voice of the National Assembly is the voice of Nigeria, so we welcome you,” the Senate President added.

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